Learning + Growth
We offer networking, training, and capacity-building opportunities as appropriate for organizations serving Martinsville-Henry County communities.
Project Hope 2023
Community Listening Sessions
We need your voice. What will bring hope to your neighborhood? Bring your ideas to an upcoming Community Listening Session!
Session #1: April 24, 6-8 p.m. Laurel Park Middle School — 280 Laurel Park Ave., Martinsville, VA 24112
Session #2: April 25, 6-8 p.m. Bassett High School — 85 Riverside Drive, Bassett, VA 24055
Session #3: April 27, 6-8 p.m. Martinsville High School — 351 Commonwealth Blvd E, Martinsville, VA 24112
Our goal is to determine community priorities that will drive Project Hope 2023. Your ideas will establish the theme of this year’s grants program. The community-led Project Hope Committee will use these themes to evaluate proposals and allocate funding.
All meetings will include light refreshments, dinner vouchers to local restaurants, and door prizes! We hope to see you there.
Experience some past sponsored events.
Building SEEDS of Hope: Nonprofit Breakfast Session
The Harvest Foundation shared its 2022-2026 Strategic Plan with nonprofit members and offered a space for networking and brainstorming potential points of positive impact in Martinsville-Henry County.
Terri Lee Freeman
Terri met with local nonprofit executive directors and their board chairs to talk about Board Governance.