Pictured: 2022 Nonprofit Breakfast at The TAD Space
From the desk of Harvest Foundation President Kate Keller
We are busy working with community partners to plant seeds of Hope throughout MHC. One way we are doing this is by hosting a community summit.
In June, Harvest convened a group of some of our Hope Builders (people that are actively working in the community to promote and improve MHC). The group worked together to discuss what we should be talking about and working on as a community. Many issues were raised, but the top priority came down to improving the quality of life so we can attract and retain residents and workers.
Because our population is older and we are losing more people than we are having babies. So with the exception of asking our local young families to keep having children, we need to recruit people to come live in MHC.
If this is a conversation that interests you, please hold October 20, 2022, on your calendar. We are expanding the planning table to include local leaders that work in Housing, Community Amenities, Small Business Entrepreneurship, and Building Community Connectivity. All of these are interconnected to improving our quality of life. We aim to learn more about each of these areas, but also work on strategies in each so that our community leaders and organizations can activate them.
We hope you will join us and if you have an urge to help plan, please contact us!