W. Dan Prince III Thanksgiving Eve Dinner

Join Us!
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Check back soon for updates on this year’s event.

We'd love to see you in person on Thanksgiving Eve for a delicious and heartwarming community event.

Carry Out
Need meals to go? No problem! Just stop in and make the request.

Call (276) 730-9017 by Sunday, November 20th to place your order. Your meals will then be delivered by one of our volunteers on Thanksgiving Eve.
We’re always looking to recruit volunteers to help serve the community at our annual W. Dan Prince III Thanksgiving Eve Dinner.
Check back for updates!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please order one meal per person in your household. If you are ordering 15 or more meals, please contact India Brown at 276-632-3329 ext. 112.
Meals will be delivered between 11:30am and 3:30pm.
In order to provide enough meals to the community, we cannot substitute meal items.
Meals will be served from 1pm to 4pm. You’re welcome to come dine in with us or pick up a meal at Martinsville High School (351 Commonwealth Blvd. East, Martinsville, VA 24112).
Nope! The meal is free for everyone.
Yes, you can order meals for another person; however, please be sure the person will be home during meal delivery hours (11:30 am – 3:30 pm).